For current After Hours screenings, click here to see our scheduled programming.
After Hours is our catch-all fiction-genre film series which is dedicated to cult classics, genre films, and recent releases. Join us every Saturday during the academic semester at 10pm - and be sure to sign your ticket in order to be eligible to win cool prizes like posters, DVDs, or other items!
All the films in this series are FREE FOR STUDENTS, $10 for the general public, and $8 for FilmScene Members. Shows start at 10pm at FilmScene (at the Chauncey) at 404 E College St.
Please check Instagram Page regularly for updates regarding new films we will be showing throughout the semester. NOTE: If there is a film that has a high level of interest, please consider reserving tickets early or showing up to the FilmScene box office in advance to ensure yourself a ticket. The FilmScene box office can be reached via phone at (319) 358-2555.