
James Mangold Gives Hope for Conventional Filmmaking [FORD V FERRARI]
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Martin Scorsese has been a topic of debate recently for his harsh opinion of the Marvel Universe. In an interview with Empire, the acclaimed director/filmmaker stated, “I don’t see them. I tried, you know? But that’s not cinema”.

Family First [THE IRISHMAN]
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Of all North American countries, Mexico is the only one that doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving. So I, a Mexican, couldn’t understand what the fuss was about.

Some Thoughts on THE LIGHTHOUSE (2019)
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
There are great moments here—the electronic laughter in the lantern, Pattinson's cartoonish run across the rocks on the shore, Dafoe's lighthouse face, the difference between Dafoe's eloquent barrage of insults and Pattinson's pitiful one—and the second half fitfully finds a manic energy, but Eggers is too self-conscious and gets in…
A Wild Ride that's Sure to Please [THE MUSTANG]
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Based on an actual prison rehabilitation program in Carson City, Nevada, Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre’s The Mustang (2019) is an intense, heartfelt film full of surprises. Following the story of Roman Coleman, played by Matthias Schoenaerts, audiences are given a glimpse into the life of a convict.

Traversing the Troubled Waters of Fish Tank
Monday, March 25, 2019
Written and directed by Andrea Arnold, Fish Tank (2009) thrusts its audience into a world of feral feminine physicality. In doing so, the film offers an unflinching, tactile meditation on the claustrophobia of aimless adolescent ambition.

Stories We Tell
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Stories We Tell is a 2012 documentary film directed by Sarah Polley and the film follows Sarah Polley as she learns about herself, her paternal father, and her relationship to her family.

Us: So Close to Being Exactly What America Needs
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
What would happen if the underclasses, the underrepresented and the underprivileged rose up against the upper class in an act of revenge? This is what filmmaker Jordan Peele describes as “The American Nightmare” and it serves as one of several underlying messages in his new film, Us (Peele, 2019).

Reports from True/False 2018 (Part 2)
Monday, April 9, 2018
Molly Bagnall on Shirkers and Self-Portrait: Birth at 47 KM from True/False 2018.

Henry’s Heaven in the Radiator [ERASERHEAD]
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
by Jack Howard
Earlier this month, The Bijou Film Board put on a showing of David Lynch’s enigmatic classic Eraserhead (1977) to a packed house, and with its 11 P. M.