Articles from February 2016
Creative and critical movie writing from the Ped Mall to the moon!
Regular features on the Bijou Blog include reviews, personal and critical essays, creative work, coverage of the True/False film festival, our Youtube Cine-Club, and more! Open to the public for submissions! Submit to using the format:
Submission title / author name + bio / piece (uploaded as a Doc)
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Cronies (2015)
Friday, February 26, 2016
In Cronies, written and directed by Michael J. Larnell, the interviewer probes central character Louis Johnson on whether or not he’s in love with the woman he happens to live with.

45 Years
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Early on in director Andrew Haigh’s British drama 45 Years, a party planner casually notes to Charlotte Rampling’s character, Kate, that the building they are standing in is “so full of history – like a good marriage.

Mustang (France, 2015)
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
What does it mean to possess desire and passion when you’re a teenage girl living in a remote Turkish village, in a conservative family? Director Deniz Gamze Ergüven explores this question in her debut feature Mustang (2015), a sun streaked film that chronicles the story of five orphaned sisters being…