Articles from January 2020
Creative and critical movie writing from the Bijou team!
Regular features on the Bijou Blog include reviews, personal and critical essays, creative work, and more! For submissions, please contact
Listen in to Bijou Banter on KRUI Fridays at 11am (FM 89.7)!

True Stories
Friday, January 24, 2020
In 1984, musician David Byrne had just come off the heels of a successful collaboration with director Jonathan Demme, producing the iconic, highly energetic concert film Stop Making Sense, one of the best of the genre. Thanks to the success of that film, it seemed natural that Warner Bros.

Roger and Me
Friday, January 24, 2020
Michael Moore has always been a bit of a divisive documentarian. Many disagree with the performative aspects of his films, some say he’s too one-sided, and some qualify his films as editorials rather than documentaries.

Paper Moon
Friday, January 24, 2020
Kansas is an odd place. Maybe it’s because I grew up there, but I struggle to think of another place that I absolutely love and am immensely frustrated with in equal measures.

Friday, January 24, 2020
Harry Westergaard (After Hours Committee) writes about Bijou's upcoming screening of ALICE, February 18 at 6pm!

Lars and the Real Girl
Friday, January 24, 2020
Lars (Ryan Gosling) and his girlfriend (Bianca, a sex doll) are at a party. Someone puts on a record. Talking Heads’ “This Must Be the Place” begins to play.

Bijou Valentine's: Nude on the Moon
Friday, January 24, 2020
Our adult film screening each semester is one of my favorite events, but also the most difficult.

God Loves Uganda
Friday, January 24, 2020
Roger Ross Williams’ GOD LOVES UGANDA (2013) reveals the ties between religion, homosexuality, and law. The film discusses the effects of missionary efforts in Uganda, and how they may harm more than they may help. A discussion and analysis of evangelicalism and LGBTQ+ rights is necessary and ongoing.

Shadow of a Doubt
Friday, January 24, 2020
Nate Kouri (After Hours Committee) writes about Bijou's upcoming screening of SHADOW OF A DOUBT, playing February 8 at 10pm!

Godzilla (1954)
Friday, January 24, 2020
The hydrogen bomb test had gone wrong. It was significantly bigger than expected and resulted in widespread nuclear fallout throughout the Pacific. Fears of radioactive sea life were prevalent, and for the third time in under a decade, American nuclear weapons wreaked havoc on Japanese citizens.

The Iron Giant
Friday, January 24, 2020
Matthew Huh (After Hours Committee) writes about Bijou's upcoming screening ofTHE IRON GIANT, playing February 1 at 10pm!