Bijou Blog
Creative and critical movie writing from the Ped Mall to the moon!
Regular features on the Bijou Blog include reviews, personal and critical essays, creative work, coverage of the True/False film festival, our Youtube Cine-Club, and more! Open to the public for submissions! Submit to using the format:
Submission title / author name + bio / piece (uploaded as a Doc)
Listen in to Bijou Banter on iTunes,, or live on KRUI Fridays at 3pm (FM 89.7)!
Burning Down The House
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
We’re living in one of many adaptation-crazed times in film history: it seems that production companies have run out of new stories and are staking their whole existence on pre-existing source material.
Headroom: Jodie Mack and THE GRAND BIZARRE
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Me! he says, hand on his chest. Actually, his shirt. And there, perhaps,
The question.
Citizen Four / Tony Hopp
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
A screening of Citizenfour (dir. Laura Poitras), followed by a post-screening conversation, will be held at FilmScene on Thursday, March 7th from 3:30-6pm as a part of their Women’s March lineup. This film is the third in Poitras’ trilogy on post 9/11 America and it focuses on Edward Snowden.
VICE Review / Danny King
Monday, February 11, 2019
Danny King is currently a junior majoring in English and Creative Writing and minoring in Cinema Studies. He writes film reviews in his free time and has previously been published in Fools Magazine for his review of Roma.
Us: So Close to Being Exactly What America Needs
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
What would happen if the underclasses, the underrepresented and the underprivileged rose up against the upper class in an act of revenge? This is what filmmaker Jordan Peele describes as “The American Nightmare” and it serves as one of several underlying messages in his new film, Us (Peele, 2019).
Fall Semester Bijou Mixtape
Sunday, October 21, 2018
We say "au revior" to cinema and say "bonjour" to music on this special episode of Bijou Mixtape. We play our favorite songs from movies, you listen, it's good radio.
Sexuality and Superheroes: A Captain Marvel Commentary
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Journey down the rabbit hole of film and you’ll see all types of relationships: friendships, sibling rivalry, romantic relationships between straight character, but often missing are those between queer characters.
Bijou Mixtape Spring 2019
Sunday, September 9, 2018
It's that time of year again! It's Bijou Mixtape time! We take some of our favorite songs from our favorite movies and play them! What's not to love? We play songs from artists like Miles Davis, Wings, and David Bowie from movies like O Brother, Where Art Thou?, Ferris Bueller's…
YouTube ciné-club 1 / MUST WATCH END!! (Edition Porcine)
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Inspired by the social and curatorial magic of Henri Langlois' Cinémathèque Française, the Bijou Blog Youtube ciné-club is a regular series gathering moving images marvels from across the internet, available for free, 10 minutes or less.
Reports from True/False 2018 (Part 2)
Monday, April 9, 2018
Molly Bagnall on Shirkers and Self-Portrait: Birth at 47 KM from True/False 2018.